Boston Yoga Union offers Boston and Brookline yoga daily, 80+ classes per week.
This schedule is updated dynamically, so check back any time for the most up-to-date offerings - classes, workshops and special programs.
Choose your location and register for in-person or livestream classes right from the schedule, using our new booking tools.
Boston Yoga Union is upgrading to Union.fit
Starting Tuesday, September 17th, MINDBODY will be replaced by a next-generation studio management platform, UNION.FIT. Students will benefit from:
Streamlined Booking
Simplified Account Management
BYUTV Class Replays and Video Library
Booking across both locations- Back Bay + Coolidge
What do you need to do?
Look for an e-mail invitation Monday
Set up a password
Book a your next practice!
All your account information, passes and reservations will be seamlessly transferred for you. Boston Yoga Union will no longer be on the MINDBODY.