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Teaching Alignment Continuing Education for Yoga Teachers

  • Boston Yoga Union - Back Bay 364 Boylston Street Boston, MA, 02116 United States (map)

A 30-hour teacher development course focused on learning classical alignment principles, sequencing alignment-based classes, and skillfully using these principles to give structure to your Vinyasa classes.

Things become "classic" because of their universality and longevity.  Think The Beatles, The Little Black Dress, Chocolate Mousse!  This 30-hour teacher development training will focus on the architecture of poses and how to best share them with students. Teaching good alignment is not memorizing a long and complex list of "cues" or anatomical instructions for each pose; it is understanding the principles of repeatable actions that are used in pose after pose.  Effectively teaching this work makes your classes safer, more challenging, and accessible to all levels of students. By the end of this training you will have the tools you need to teach alignment-based classes, add more structure and depth to your flow offerings, and have a new perspective on the language of teaching.  

In this training you will:

  • Learn principles of Classical Alignment in foundational poses

  • Understand how these techniques carry from pose to pose and through families of poses

  • Experience how the actions of foundational poses prepares students for advanced poses

  • Design and Sequence alignment-based classes efficiently

  • Use effective alignment instruction in your Vinyasa classes while keeping the flow moving 

  • Refine and simplify your teaching language by "cueing" less and teaching more

  • Practice and hone your demonstration skills

  • Unpack when and how to deploy props, and when it's better to keep it simple 

Expect posture labs, in-depth practices, lots of practice teaching and feedback over the course of the 30 hours program.

Price: $650 // Early bird $600 until March 31 // BYU YTT Alumni $550

When: Two weekends -- April 25-27 and May 9-11
Fridays: 7:15PM-9:00PM
Saturdays/Sundays: 11:00AM-6:00PM

Where: Back Bay Studio, 364 Boylston St, Boston, MA

About Your Teachers:

Tim Kelleher

Tim Kelleher has been a devoted student of yoga for over two decades and a leading teacher in the Boston yoga community since 2010. He lives in Boston with his husband, two children and three cats. His practice is the key to his physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing, and sharing it is his life’s work.

Tim’s teaching is seated in classical methods, infused with modern perspectives on yoga and movement.   His powerful, beloved classes are threaded with philosophy, technique, and insights on living a happy life. 

He is especially grateful to his teachers who taught him to be fearless in his practice, generous in his teaching and always look for the joy!

Matt Singer

Having spent much of his life in a sedentary body from which he felt deeply alienated, yoga connected him with his physical self in a way he’d never experienced before. His goal is to provide this kind of self-connection for his students in every class; Matt creates sequences that bring practitioners deep into the somatic sensations of asana. Expect specific cueing that unifies the mind, breath and body through intensity and to walk away with a liberating calm. And on a good day, his jokes will land, too.

Matt owes much of his teaching style to Yogamaya in New York City, where he completed his 200hr in the summer of 2022, led by Bryn Chrisman, Amanda MacDonald, Danielle Harboard, and Julie Pasqual. He also completed Down Under Yoga's 300hr in Boston in 2023. 

April 19

Partner Yoga & Thai Massage

May 18

Reiki and Rest